Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Growing up until I was about 14 I never lost anyone to death. Well, not anyone that I knew closely. But, when I was 14 and 6 months before my 15th birthday this all changed. In February of 2007 me and my family found out that my grandmother had lung disease which was caused from her smoking nearly 40 years ago. The worse part about it was that she had been going to the hospital and her doctor for the past 6 or 7 months and all they said was that she had a bad case of pneumonia. I found it hard that I would only be in this earth with my grandmother for the most of 1 year. She was my everything I would do anything for her. Even though she knew her death was nearing she didn’t stop being her normal self. She still bossed us around like she always did and she still cooked up a storm. During that July I also found out that my other grandmother was very sick and wasn’t expecting it passed the week. It was very hard for me to be at the hospital jumping from room to room with 2 people that I really loved and that I knew was dieing. Later that week my grandmother whom I just found out was sick died at home .this was very devastating and I couldn’t really believe it. But this wasn’t no were near done. Nearly 2 months later I was called to the hospital to found my grandmother laying in bed with her heart beating as slow as a turtle. Not being able to handle this I went down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. On my way back up I thought to myself “how was I going to survive without both of my grandma’s.” when I became face to face with her room door my brother came out and told me that she was gone. I couldn’t help but cry for the entire day and reflect on our good times we had together. It was even harder to go back school like 15 days after that. I couldn’t even start to think of how different life would be. My family revolved around my grandmas and now neither of them were there. It took me nearly a year to get use to of them not being there. Wishing everyday that this all didn’t happen to me. Now I can think of her and how funny she was without breaking out and crying. Many of my family members ask about my feelings about this event but I never release them, I normally like to keep stuff like this to myself. Many of the things I do I always know that these things make my grandmothers happy. They loved me playing the drums and they loved me playing football and basketball. They were very important to me and they still are. I still think of them all the time and life will never be the same without them. They brought so much to my and my families life.

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