Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Three Chickens And The Big Bad Farmer

U may have heard of the three pigs and the big bad wolf, but many of you might not know that this was not the original story. This story was really the story of the three little chickens and the big bad farmer named Reuben Chapman. It took place in a farm on a wet and rainy July day were three little chickens lived in a small fenced area right behind the peach tree in Charlottesville, Virginia. These three chickens had been taken away from their home and stored there against "their will ,by the old" and ugly farmer Chapman. One day after lunch one of the pigs named Richard whispered to his brother.
“Man I’m very tired of that old ugly man Mr. Chapman. If he blows that stupid whistle one more time I’m going to smack the living daylights out of him.”
“I feel you my brother.” said Richard's very intelligent brother Will.
The following night the chickens crawled out of the fence and into the woods were they met Leroy the monkey and Valerie the parrot. They thought of starving to death and being homeless but fortunately they had some help from Valerie and Leroy. Valerie gave all of the chickens some crackers for 4 days and Leroy gave them some bricks, straws, and metal to build themselves some homes to stay in. That night the chickens went to work building their houses. Richard built his house out of metal, Will built his house out of bricks, and Austin being the slowest of the 3 brothers built his house out of straw.
Not much time after ,Mr. Chapman came running into the woods with his lucky penny and his famous gold rope which he used to tie animals up with. He ran passed the parrot and the monkey and arrived at Austin’s straw house.
Mr. Chapman yelled."Austin get your little narrow tail out here before I take off my belt!”
Austin, not being aware of Mr. Chapman outside and his very loud yelling continued to pick his nose and biting his toe nails with his teeth. Mr.Chapman suddenly blew as hard as he could.
And down comes Austin’s house, his newly painted marble ceiling and all. Mr. Chapman kept walking deeper into the woods until he came to the next house which happened to be Will's brick house. Without much question Mr. Chapman ran home and got his big 3700 pound truck which he used to knock Wills house down without breaking a sweat. Lastly Mr. Chapman finds Richard's metal house and runs after it like a dog chasing its tail. He took his hand and continuously knocked on Richards front door until Richard came out and sprayed him with some pepper spray and made him run home crying to his mother. After many hours of searching Richard found his brothers hiding in a mile wide creek. He grabbed his brothers by their rough and pointy textured hair and they all walked home happy as a clown.
As you can see the stories are nothing alike, so whoever made the three little pigs needs to stop making stories and find a job that they’re good at.


WashingtonC0809 said...


On a farm not in.


You go from pigs to chickens.

Capitalizations...(i dont know how to spell that)

Why am I the parrot?
Thanks, it better than the farmer role.=]

coxcenglish0809 said...

richard, i loved this, i was laughing so hard as i was reading

watch out for gramatical and machanical errors though.


Ms. Wiesner said...

Valerie's comments are good. Pay attention to them.

Also, capitalize your title.

Fix this, "their will ,by the old"

"Man I’m very tired of that old ugly man Mr. Chapman(.) (I)f he blows..."

I'm not buying the monkey and the parrot in Charlottesville.

""and metal to build them(selves) a home to stay in."

"Austin(,) not being aware of Mr..."

This is not working, "lastly Mr. Chapman sees Richards metal house and runs to it screaming like he just found out that his fish died."

This one doesn't work either, "Richard found his brothers hiding in a mile wide creek, as big as the 2008 election."

Very creative, but you have a lot of grammatical errors to fix. Also work on your figurative language.