Sunday, January 25, 2009

dear obama

Dear president Obama,
Hello, im Richard Washington a 16 year old democrat from charlottesville, Virginia.First, I would like to congratulate you on becoming the 44th president of the United States and I know you will do your best to turn this country around. Even though I know you may not need my help I would like to give some things that I hope you can accomplish during your first term in presidency. I feel the economy is falling and getting worst as years go on. I feel that something’s are way to expensive and it makes things hard on some families who may not have a dad or mom to depend on. Coming from a single parent family, I know first hand of the hard times . for example I know when things at grocery stores or at gas stations are expensive it makes things even harder for the family. Other things I would like to see change are the laws on gay rights. I feel the government should have no say so in what goes on in peoples love or marriage life. They should be able to marry who ever and whenever they want. I know you’ve heard this complaint thousands of time but I would like to see the U.S troops home as soon as possible. Our soildiers are getting killed or hurt every day and I feel it would be the right thing to do if u send them home.
Sincerely Richard Washington

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